OFI #3: Sharp form – Misspelling

During my time at the hospital for my c-section,  I had to fill out a form called “Sharp Pre-Anesthesia Evaluation”. I couldn’t forget about my craziness about OFI and I took a picture to the form where you can see that the English-to-Spanish translator didn’t work well… assuming that was a translator who made those mistakes.

I’ve highlighted some of them.

– See more OFIs at  OnOfi.blogspot.com

– Feel free to share your images with me when you find an OFI around you! Send them at jimecalfa@gmail.com!

OFI #3: Sharp form – Misspelling

During my time at the hospital for my c-section,  I had to fill out a form called “Sharp Pre-Anesthesia Evaluation”. I couldn’t forget about my craziness about OFI and I took a picture to the form where you can see that the English-to-Spanish translator didn’t work well.. assuming that was a translator who made those mistakes.

I’ve highlighted some of them.

– See more OFIs at  OnOfi.blogspot.com

– Feel free to share your images with me when you find an OFI around you! Send them at jimecalfa@gmail.com!

OFI – Opportunities for Improvement

I’ve decided to start a new section (and a new blog) called OFI – Opportunities for Improvement.

The concept of OFI is used for auditors, under the standard ISO 9001, in order to make suggestions to help companies to improve their quality systems, at least under the auditor’s perspective. But in the context I want to use the concept, I came up with this definition:

“OFI are advantageous circumstances to raise something/someone to a more desirable or more excellent quality or condition”

As human being, we make mistakes, something unavoidable. What we have to realize is that our own mistakes, as well as the mistakes of others, are the main contributors in helping to improve ourselves every day. Keeping in mind this and the previous definition, two main reasons inspired me to create the OFI section:
  1. Part of my life, finding software bugs by performing testing, or nonconformities by doing audits, were my daily activities. What I’ve learned from those experiences is that after catching all those findings, instead of approaching the person responsible for them blaming him “you made all of these mistakes, bugs, errors, nonconformities, or observations“, even when standards call those finding in that way; you will get amazing results by addressing those findings in the way they all are great Opportunities for Improvement
  2. How many times do you run into a sign or label that made you think that frequently people “resolve” problems just showing an ambiguous and sometimes funny sign instead of going to the root cause of the problem and fix it forever? Well, those signs are also great Opportunities for Improvement.

Somebody once said “The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement” 
It means, we can always improve on something in our lives as a human being, as part of a society, as part of a company,  as part of the world, living in this environment. It’s a room without walls, there is INFINITE space on it, and no one has ever reached its capacity.
So, if you think you are already very good at something, take a look closely to that quality/ability, I’m pretty sure you still have more space to learn and improve it.

So welcome to the OFI section. And remember my motto: Quality is everyone responsibility and we never have to stop getting better

– Feel free to share your images with me when you find an OFI around you! Send them at jimecalfa@gmail.com!
– If you want to see all the OFIs in one place, I’m creating a blog that it is gonna be live soon, called OnOfi.blogspot.com. Stay tune for updates!

PS: You will probably find a misspelling in this post, well that is another OFI!