Interview #9: Vinay Goyal

A new interview of the QIC – Quality Interview Chain is here! Today let’s meet Vinay Goyal, a QMS professional with more than 30 years of experience. Enjoy the interview!

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* YOURSELF / OCCUPATION: Who are you and what you do? 

Hi My name is Vinay Goyal, I was born and raised in India. I finished my BS in Electronic and Telecommunication from University of Roorkee India (Now called Indian Institute of Technology)

I am currently working for a Medical Device Company and take care of regulatory requirements related to Product Environmental Compliance and Stewardship.
I have worked mostly in electronics companies manufacturing products for commercial, military and medical applications, ranging from a very small company to very large corporations in various functions e.g. customer service, test engineering, manufacturing, quality, regulatory etc. 
I have received numerous awards and recognitions. 
Numerous presentations on quality and product environmental requirements in professional organizations e.g. ASQ, PSES, SME, etc. Published two reader guides on Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices and Quality audits for Medical Devices.
Married, have two boys and two grandsons.

* CHALLENGES: What was the biggest challenge you faced in your job and how did you handle it?

The biggest challenge in any company for me was to make a place for myself and be the part of the team. I changed my jobs several times from design to customer services and marketing, test engineering to quality, reliability, regulatory, manufacturing, and now product environmental.
How did I handle it: Educate myself, becoming a better listener, educating myself as per the requirements, be hands-on, using quality tools e.g. visit where the problem occurs (Gemba), form a cross functional team, using Kaizen approach, come-up with short and long term solutions, be ready to make adjustments as needed and drive for the results. 
If not all 100% at least good 95% time, I was able to resolve the issue(s) successfully and once forever. 

* CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and improve as a professional and/or as a person?

Educate yourself, use common sense, form a team of good resources at your disposal, analyze risks and associated pros and cons, do not be afraid in taking tough decisions, and take the ball and start running.

* QUALITY QUOTE: Which is your favorite quality quote?

Do it right the first time; Lead by the example, Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.

* MOTIVATION / PASSION: What motivates you to do what you do? What are you truly passionate about?

Motivation: Having an opportunity where I can freely think, research, and share my thoughts in a team environment, implement and see encouraging positive results. Money is important but if you are good no matter wherever you go, you can make a place for yourself and money will come automatically depending on your fair market value.

* ADVICE / RECOMMENDATION: What advice would you pass along to others taking the same path as you? Any specific books/blogs/authors you would recommend?

Basic education is important but a good attitude e.g. be a good listener, be respectful and having a desire (hunger) for constant learning from both good and bad experiences. Education helps in boosting your confidence that you can do it and typically provides you a moderate success but may not provide ultimate inner satisfaction. Improving your common sense is very important but common sense is not common and it comes by listening, watching, practicing etc. and is an on-going process.

* FREE TIME: In your free time, what do you like to do to relax?
Listen music, singing, watch TV, research/reading latest activities related to my professional career, volunteer in professional and social organizations, teach in a college and professional organizations.

* HUMOR: I’m convinced that humor at work is the best remedy to reduce stress and help you with your productivity; do you have any funny stories/videos/pictures you would like to share with us?

It depends on each individual. Some people are very funny but are not good what they do. On the contrary some people are very introvert and quiet but do a super job. That does not mean that one is better than the other. I cannot recall anything funny but one incident I remember when in one of my previous companies as a Quality Manager I was giving the plant tour to our owner and CEO. He asked me how many people work for quality and I do not know why but my immediate response was 370. He looked pretty confused with my answer and repeated the same question couple of times, each time with more emphasis on every word. I gave him the same response. Then I clarified to him that we have total 370 employees and each employee is supposed to do a quality job. People directly reporting to me in QA department are there to assist other employees in achieving our collective policy and goals. 

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#1 Link: Bob Mehta: Quality Professional and very career oriented.

#2 Link: Dave Nagy: Professional and one of the most dedicated person.

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Thank you so much Vinay Goyal for your participation in the QIC. Appreciate it!

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