Interview #1 – Jimena Calfa

The first interview of the QIC – Quality Interview Chain is here! All about my life as a Quality Assurance Engineer. 
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* YOURSELF / OCCUPATION: Who are you and what you do? 

My name is Jimena Calfa. I’m an Information System/Quality Assurance Engineer from Argentina but living in the USA since 2006. I’m a Certified Software Quality Engineer and Quality Process Analyst by the ASQ.
Since 2012 I’m a contributor to the Influential Voices Group (IV), and it has been one of the most rewarding experience I ever have: by staying in contact with other quality professionals, exchanging experiences and opinions is the most amazing way to keep improving and learning. 

I’ve published an article about being a blogger on the Quality Progress magazine. You can read/download the article following this link.

I’m happily married since 2006, and have two beautiful sons. 

* CHALLENGES: What was the biggest challenge you faced in your job and how did you handle it?

One of my biggest challenge was during my years working for a software development company, where I was responsible to implement CMM (Capability Maturity Model) Level 2 and performed auditor activities. 
Going from the company’s chaos to having a quality system implemented was a hard work: I have to train software engineers about quality, teach them processes and then audit their job. It was hard to “sell” quality to them and let them know and understand that quality has the same importance as getting the software working right on time. 
But putting my passion for quality on the work, mixed with my soft skills, it helped me to perform the work smoothly and with successful outcomes.

* CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and improve as a professional and/or as a person?

Reading about latest news about quality and networking with quality professionals, it keeps me updated, motivated and learning.

* QUALITY QUOTE: Which is your favorite quality quote?

I love so many quality quotes, but this one by W. Edwards Deming is amazing!

“Quality is everyone’s responsibility”

* MOTIVATION / PASSION: What motivates you to do what you do? What are you truly passionate about?
I’m passionate about quality. Quality is a life philosophy to me. It is in our day-to-day routine: the way we communicate, the way we dress, the way we behave socially and at work, the way we take care for our planet, the way we plan our goals for the future, the way we act to improve every day, etc. Working to raise the voice of quality and let the people know about its importance, it is what motivate me to keep going and going on this path.

But what really motivates me and I’m extremely passionate about is my family. They are my support, and make me believe in myself and keep working and improving for them!

* ADVICE / RECOMMENDATION: What advice would you pass along to others taking the same path as you? Any specific books/blogs/authors you would recommend?

Follow your passion, don’t be afraid of pursue your dreams! It will take time, you will fail, but if this is what you truly want to be; you will get it and it will be so gratifying!

I have a lot of blogs to recommend, but a good source is the Influential Voices group I talked in my first answer. For those of you who don’t know, IV is group of quality professionals and online influencers who raise the voice of quality on their personal blogs, talking about different quality topics that ASQ CEO wants us to discuss. 

* FREE TIME: In your free time, what do you like to do to relax? 
I love to spend time with my family going to the park and soccer games. Not much time to relax with 2 boys, but I love to read and play piano.

* HUMOR: I’m convinced that humor at work is the best remedy to reduce stress and help you with your productivity; do you have any funny stories/videos/pictures you would like to share with us?

I love this image. I think every person has to see it and learn from it. It is sadly funny.

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To keep growing this chain, I have to nominate 2 people (in the quality field) I consider a valuable addition. However, I can’t nominate just 2, so I’ll nominate everybody who wants to participate; you are all welcome to be part of this chain!

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If you want to stay in contact with me, please feel free to add me to your social networks:

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