Guest Post: Lean Software Development Priniciples

Lean Software Development (LSD) is a term originated from a popular book by the same name, written by Mary and Tom Poppendieck. In such book, they presented the first translation of Lean principles to software development, plus 22 thinking tools to help translate those principles into agile practices. Having its roots in the well-known Toyota Production System, LSD focuses on helping software development companies to optimize their process, solving problems that old methodologies like waterfall have, and delivering software with better quality, reduced cost, and faster delivery. 

Let’s do a review of the 7 LSD principles:

1. Eliminate Waste: take out all activities that do not add value from the perspective of the customer; in other words eliminate any material/resource beyond what the customer requires and is willing to pay for. The 7 Sins of LSD are: Partially done work, Extra features, Relearning, Handoffs, Task switching, Delay and Defects.

It is a pleasure for me to be a Guest Blogger today at Tim McMahon “A Lean Journey” blog.  Please, click here to read the rest of the post and leave your comments.